Terms and Condition

  • The School reserves the right to refuse to allow a pupil to attend the School while fees remain unpaid.
  • The School reserves the right to fix the School fee for a term at any time up to the last day of the preceding term. Every effort will, however, be made to give not less than one term's notice of alterations to the fees.
  • The School reserves the right to review scholarship and bursary awards in the light of changes in a pupil's progress, contribution and level of commitment.
  • The School requires not less than a full term's notice in writing, received by the Headmaster not later than three days after the beginning of a term, before a pupil is withdrawn from the School. Failing such notice the full fees for the term following withdrawal will be charged. In the Junior Year the notice period is two terms.
  • The School may in its absolute discretion require a parent to remove a pupil from the School whose attendance, progress or behaviour is unsatisfactory. In such circumstances the parent shall not be entitled to any refund of the fees due or already paid. Nor shall any refund be due for absence due to illness.